In previous article "Where to start?" we stopped on language course choose. And if you decided to start with Duolingo, the best way to have as much experience as you can is to begin with PC version. Also there are phone applications for Android and iOS. The main difference is that PC version has grammar in the Tips&Notes section almost in every course topic. In my attempts to learn language as soon as possible I made notes for every grammar rule that I learnt from it.
As they say “Every beginning is hard”, whatever you start to do you need a straight answer to the question – What do I need to do to start? Nevertheless every person could choose his or her own path saying this or that learning course is better, or this or that teach-yourself book is the best. I only want to share with you my experience of what the learning steps should be.
First of all, when you do not know language at all, you have to learn grammar and simultaneously words, phrases and phonetics. Usually every course starts with it. You could ask why I tell you obvious things – I met different “teachers” who told me that it is better to start with translating easy short texts or practicing with ones who know the language. Nonsense I tell you. When you don’t know anything about it is obliged to get to know basics or even better level to have the possibility for translating and speaking.
Then, when you acquire approximately almost a half of language course (I hope it will take 2-3 months), you need to begin search someone to talk. Firstly it will keep your motivation to learn up – it is very hard to study for such long. Secondly, you will get your first experience of communication – because if you want to speak the language you have to speak the language. Finally, it is very important to have a friend who wants to learn language like you. Also that is the time when you need to think about translating texts that could eventually become book reading. Like when we were young enough and our parents made us to read a lot – this is really useful.
Actually from the half of language course you could start from translating only and postpone speaking with someone. Or vice versa. It is up to you.
But if you still have the question what language course you need to choose, I can share my experience of what I decided to pick – from different courses and teach-yourself books I preferred Duolingo and Tinycards. The first is to learn grammar, words, phonetics and phrases (mind to use it only from PC to have access to grammar) and the second to consolidate my learning efforts (I use it generally from my phone whenever I have five minutes). There are several another good options for study language which I will describe in my next articles.
Through my endless attempts to learn as many languages as I can, I always bump into one particular situation. I can’t stay disciplined to continue my studies. And I understand that I need motivation and, of course, followers to get success, but there is something else. Recently I reread articles from my previous project and meet one that absolutely has the answer. I attach the link – How to get success – so you can read it yourself. As for this article I would like to tell about situations that lead us to skipping classes more detailed.
I remember my studies of Spanish – it was really good, for a month and a half I had learned the language via an education platform Duolingo, adding learning hours from study book with translations of adopted texts of fables and I thought it would be enough to learn Spanish very good. But I was wrong.
I started the third month of learning when I started to skip my studies. As I remember there were difficulties on my work, and my focus of interests moved to it. As the result, I dropped out Spanish for a long time, and I thought that it would be real to return to learning but alas.
So to be more experienced in this thing now when I study French, I am trying to keep my motivations afloat. I very like to do translations and write articles for my blog – so I do my best to start to do translations from French now and someday I will write articles in French (It is very difficult to do it now - low level of this language). Also I would like to play my favorite computer game (with a huge amount of voiced dialogues) in French. And I keep all these in mind. And it helps.
Of course, you could think out your own motivations, because “tastes differ”. I am sure that such powerful motivations could really help you to stay motivated to learn language as diligently as it was in the beginning.
CoS - Communication
How to promote your business via communication in social networks?
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Let’s talk about online promotion via communication with people in social network. It could give you links with your followers. Mostly it results in friendship with them. You just talk to them, share thoughts, kidding together – at all it’s cool to have friends all over the world. ))
CoS - Promotion
How to promote your business over the Internet using social networks?
Saturday, May 10, 2014
As for Networker you always need to remember that the main promoting process will go on social networks. These services will allow you to have a lot of followers – and you could find partners from them.
Let’s remember about creation and filling the pages on social networks (even only main things of it).