How to promote your business over the Internet using social networks?

Saturday, May 10, 2014

As for Networker you always need to remember that the main promoting process will go on social networks. These services will allow you to have a lot of followers – and you could find partners from them.

Let’s remember about creation and filling the pages on social networks (even only main things of it).

Start with about\status – It should have this info: 

1. Who are you and what can you give to others.
2. It should contain your contacts (If there are no special fields for them) like Skype, e-mail or so forth.
3. Link to your website (selling page) or blog or page on different social network (maybe more promoted).

Also try to show different way to contact you (it will give opportunity for more people to contact you).

And don’t forget about photo on avatar – it should be very, very good. Search all you photos and choose the best one!

OK, now we are going to start with promotion process.

The main objective is to get a lot of followers (and also you need that people continue to follow you permanently). And we can achieve this via placing qualitative content.

Content must first of all meet at least one (more is better) of the following criteria:
1. Attractive (e.g. don't post only text - place picture or photo in it. And of course it should look good)
2. Useful (e.g. post any advises, recipes or instructions)
3. Interesting (e.g. some humor, funny material)
4. Selling (e.g. any results of your activity – in details read below)

If your post doesn't meet any of these criteria – don’t post it. And you should need to post 2-3 posts a day. Also don’t try to post a lot of post in one day, especially when you do it in the same time (It will look like spam). Read this article (“How to create new posts on SN?”) to comprehend the creation process better.

You could ask: “But what about do we need to create posts?”. Well, let’s look through the list of probable theme:
1. Make reviews on your article on your blog.

2. Posts with music you like.

3. Posts with video you like.

4. Posts with motivational, inspirational material (especially text + picture).

5. Make posts about your life (photos or videos + text):
- funny stories
- vacation, weekends, rest
- sport
- social activities
- hobbies
- life style

Let people get to know about you.

6. Also don’t forget about selling posts:
- post printscreens of your back office with earning (if you are participating in some partners program)
- place printscreens of financial report of withdrawals from some partner program
- post invitations on different webinars (about your activity)
- maybe you purchase something valuable on money that earned via Internet – you could place photo or video about it
- place tempting information (it could be your photo or video from travels somewhere, or some good place when you thank project that gave you an opportunity to visit such places, or video about you – you thank your team for good joint job, or you tell on video about your success describing the way that you did to get this success or anything else)
- post also news about your project or partner's program.

Let’s go further to directly promoting – the list of things that we need to do every day. I recommend you to do following actions:
1. Make 2-3 qualitative posts a day.
2. Follow everyone (then unfollow those who are not reciprocated in a day, and follow next ones immediately – and do it every day). It will give you followers and you will need to unfollow those who are not reciprocated, because you need a lot of followers not followings (it looks better to have a lot of followers and not so many followings).

3. Ads via other contact services. You could send messages to your friends and followers from Skype, e-mail or another social network that you have registered on the new social network and your followers could find you there. It will give you followers on new SN too.

4. Comments to the posts and likes on pages of famous, promoted people (who has a lot of followers). It’s very important way of promotion – just comment any posts on other pages and it will provide you followers too. But don’t try to make spam – comment posts close to the topic. Also, I recommend you to use stickers or emoticons. It will make your comments more attractive to your potential followers.

5. Make photo and video collages (about you, hobbies, internet earnings, anything else). And post them and send invitations to watch these collages to your followers. It will make your page more attractive to followers (it is called “followers loyalty”).

6. And the last promoting action is adding #hashtags to your posts. You can use paid services for selection needed hashtags for post or read this article “How to make hashtags?”. Notice that hashtags can be used not in every social network. But the famous ones applies them (Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, Google+, Instagram).

Also as recommendation use several social networks to promote your website, blog, or partner’s program link.

Do all advises above and after few months you will create your pages on social networks in powerful tools for promoting.

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