How to make short links for twitter?

Friday, May 09, 2014

Often you can see short links in the posts of others in Twitter, for example, and sometimes we have a need to insert shorter link because in Twitter all post are limited by number of symbols (140).

To make a shorter link follow the

At the top of page insert the long link that we need to shorten.

Immediately, after you input the link into the field, you will see the dialog box with already created short link. Press “Copy Bitlink” button to copy it.

And then paste created link into the post (for instance, Ctrl + v)

That’s all. Now you can make short links and you could pate them everywhere - not only in Twitter.

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  1. Bitly is cool but I use because there is some cool features that I get and bitly doesn't have it. For example you can redirect your visitors by country from which they come from to multiple other links and main shorted link is used as default option (if you did not defined link for visitor for visitor for example from Uganda he/she will be redirected to default one). Or you can redirect users by referral for example if they come from facebook redirect to or if they come from linkedin redirect to other link, or by device that visitor use and there is other options too.
    And for me best part is that you can manage this shortlinks, you can change that shortlink redirect to other link anytime there is section for that on their website. So try it it's pretty cool...
