How to apply template from Artisteer to Blogger?

Sunday, April 13, 2014

In Artisteer click on “File” menu item, then “Export” and at least “”.

In opened window enter your login (e-mail address), your password and choose the needed blog.

Necessarily, tick “Include content” and click on “Options…” button. You can also tick “Remember Password” to stay logged in.

In the “General” menu item, you could set the “Site Icon”. It should be the picture with size 16x12 pixels and should have the .ico extension. So, if you have the picture 16x16 pixs, but you don’t know how to convert it to .ico, please, follow the, click on “Choose File”, and select the needed file and the press on “Convert”.

In the “CSS Options”, clear the “CSS Prefix:” field.

In the “Description”, wipe out all fields.

In the “Watermark”, make the “Watermark text” empty.

In the “Footnote”, untick all marks.

And finally, in the “Blogger”, ensure that Horizontal and Vertical Menu Sources are set to “Pages” and “Archive” respectively. Also switch “Show Blogger Navbar” to “No” and change the “Home Item Caption” to “Home”.

When you are ready, click on “Publish”. It will take some minutes to finish.

When it is done you will see the following window.

Then go to and select your blog.

When you will view your blog you will see that there are no pages in the horizontal menu except “Home”.

Now you will need to activate pages. Go to blogger dashboard (blog’s main page), expand “Pages” and click on “Edit” below the name of page.

Press “Revert to draft” button and then “Publish”. Do it to another page(s).

And you will see that pages appeared in the menu.

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