How to create a blog?
Wednesday, April 02, 2014
Now I tell you how to create your own blog on
Firstly, if you don’t have Google account (I mean email on host), you will need to create it. So click “Create an account” or enter your email and password in necessary fields and click “Sing in”.
Then when you will be in you will see the “New Blog” button – click on it.
So you have to fill the fields with title and address and choose the template. When you are ready click on “Create blog!” button.
Well, this is your cabinet (actually, cab of this blog – you can create more). As you see there is a left panel which consists of very important functions. Let us examine it in more detail.
“Post” and “Pages” – it will be your main components of your blog – “Post” is used for managing all your articles (Also read this article: How to create new posts?) and “Pages" is for all static sites of your blog. Examples are below.
Then “Comments” provides you with checking of all comments that you have on your blog.
“Google+” is for synchronizing your blog with your Google+ accounts (all new posts will be seen in Google+).
“Stats” contains information about pageviews.
“Earnings” will give you opportunity to get money from ads located on your blog. Very little money, but…
“Layout” is needed every time when you want to add, or change something in your site structure (in right panel, e. g.).
And “Template” is for changing you template. We will use Artisteer to create template, so I believe you won’t need this menu.
Also, sometimes it is difficult to design you site: problems usually are in the art and in technical part. So, you could create a whole template very easy with program Artisteer and use this created template on you Blog. How to do it - read in this article.
Posts are:
Pages are: