How to create template in Artisteer for Blogger?

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Artisteer is a website builder. We can use it for creating template for our blog.

Firstly, you will need to download (the link is here), extract and install it on your computer (read healing.txt in the extracted folder to do it right).

When you are ready, run it. In the Artisteer on the start window you could choose the template from created earlier. So find the template you like and click on it.

First thing that you have to know about Artisteer is managing you pages. Well, you can see the list of pages in the left column. As for Blogger, we won’t need “Home” page at all because it will be the list of our posts (like on my blog – this is my home page). And we will need to create one more page for selling page (read “How to create selling page?”). So, right click on free space in the left column -> “New Page”.

By the way, if you close the “Pages” list you can open it by pressing on such button.

Well, we have created new page “ECONIX”. Here you can change the Article Title (or hide it by clicking on “Hide Article Title” button) and enter the content of our selling page. But I recommend to do it in the Blogger interface (It is easier).

On the “Contacts” page, change the greetings text and fill the page with your contacts. Don’t forget to change the Attribution which is located in footer. We couldn't remove the “Web Template created with Artisteer” attribution now, but we can do it when we will apply the template to Blogger.

As for sidebars in the left or right columns you could examine the following article to make sidebar for archives, for example.

Also every template has a header which consists of logo, name of blog, photo of author and so forth. To change the pictures, delete it before (by clicking on it and pressing “Delete” key). To add pictures to header select the “Header” tab (or left click on header) and press on “Image” button.

Read this article if you want to know how to create the logos (text + pictures). And read this article if you would like to add your photo in the header.

So that’s all. Now follow this link to know how to apply created template to Blogger.

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