What is hashtags and how to use it?

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

So, hashtag is word or phrase preceded by a hash (#). In fact it is the label that places on the post. It helps people to find post that they would like to see. And for us it helps to find people who are interested in our proposal.

You could place them in post wherever you want – in the beginning, in the middle or even the end of post but it should contain hash sign.

To understand why hashtags is needed, let’s see the particular situation:

We want to look through the post about London: so we use hashtag #london and type it in the search field on the social network.

And we get a list of post that contains this hashtag.

Let’s examine some examples when you can use them to increase attendance:

1. Content hashtag.

We could make hashtags from simple words in the text. It can help us to designate the prior audience of readers.

2. Combination of hashtags.

Use general, popular, trending hashtags with specified ones. Like on this picture we are using the #success hashtag (it is in general could explain what this article is about) and #conceptionOFsuccess (it is specified one, describing the name of the project, not so popular yet, but it will be so, after people will come to you via other hashtags).

3. Trending hashtags.

Also we could use trending, popular hashtags from other spheres of business. We have the example where we use #self_development hashtag to appeal attention of people to our project. It contains a lot of material about self-development, but not dedicated to self-development directly. And perhaps people will find our project very useful for them.

4. Grouping post by hashtag only on your page.

Some social networks support this ability to group post by hashtag. To do this, type the hashtag, then enter “at” sign (@) and type name of your page (like on vk.com/sergey.gorkovets – “sergey.gorkovets” is the name of my page, we usually enter it when editing the profile).

So we got the following post with grouping hashtag.

When we click on this tag you will watch all posts with #success hashtag. And “@sergey_gorkovets” only indicates the belonging to your page.

5. Brand hashtag.

Think out the brand hashtag that will be mostly on yours post, and combine them with hashtags with general description. It will allow you to promote your brand throughout the time.

6. Targeting.As for articles it should contains several hashtags that will describe the content of the article:

And the last advice. Do not try to place a lot of hashtags on your post – because people perceive this post like spam, and skip them.

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